Jan 11, 2012

Here we go! :)

So the new year started and I have had crazy much to do! That’s why I havn’t wrote anything yet! It’s gonna get better… just have to get this into the routine! ;)
So this year started with a lot of work! My days have been filled with making drawings for a hospital and off cause; climbing! J In the end of last year I started training to increase my endurance. I plan to focus on endurance for eight weeks in a row just to see how that will affect my climbing. My aim is to do 1000 moves about 3 times every week.
 I have done this endurance training for three weeks now and I already feel the difference. The biggest difference I feel is that I am starting to lose my fear for getting pumped. (No shit?! ;)) I really start to trust the fact that even if it feels like my hands gonna pop out any second I still can go on for a long time. It’s literally a mind game and a total mind fuck! I might be crazy but I totally love it… and I hope this training will help me to get rid of some fear in lead climbing… we have to wait and see! J Five more weeks!
So what else!? J Not so much actually… I’m working, climbing, and off cause listening to a LOT of music... so with other words: life is totally NICE! The only thing I might wanna complain about is that it would be nice to have even more time for climbing… but that’s another story! J
Since I’m a big freaky fan of music I just HAVE TO take the change to spread some nice pieces here! For two year I’ve almost exclusively been listening to dubstep… so there will be a lot of this kind of sounds… BUT I will try to get some other masterpieces up here too! J Hope you enjoy! J
This one has been on repeat in my iPod this week:
Just can’t stop listening to it!!
And one of my favourit bands are NERO so I have to start with one of their goodies to…
Now it´s time for another eight hours with my dear hospital! See you in K2 after that! ;)


  1. So I'd like to know, are there any problems popping up when doing 1000 moves every so often? I've seen that you get problems inside your hands in the beginning but what about if you keep on for a few weeks?

    Also, your post has ridiculous amounts of energy. Hope you keep it up :)

  2. Hi Emil and thanks for your good question!

    I always stick to a problem with good good holds to make sure that I don't injure my fingers and joints in my arms/fingers (5C to 6A, 6A+). I have been doing interval training 1-2 times every week for a few months. When I started with this training I started by doing about 2-4 climbs (up and down). When I felt I could do more I increased the amount of intervals gradually.

    I ALWAYS listen to my body and let it lead me in my training. When I started with my 1000 move training I was sure that my body was prepared for it. It’s good to push yourself but it has to be with common sense. One of the things I love with climbing is the constant patient game. When I feel like my body starts to be able to do a certain exercise I try to stay at this level in about 3-6 more weeks before I start to push it to the next level. That works for me! :)

    When it comes to the skin in my hands the first week was interesting… I lost some skin, off cause! ;) But now the skin is recovered and stronger so I don’t have any problems with it.
    When I do my intervals I try to climb calm and to think a lot about my technique. How I place my hands, feet, body in every move. Since you are in control of your movement you don’t wear out the skin in your hands. And it feels like every movement becomes very soft any healthy for the body.

    So to summarize! ;) Start by doing just 2-4 climbs (up and down) and see how your body will respond to it. Wait a few days and do the same exercise again. If you feel like you don’t get any pains in your fingers or arms, stick to this training for 2-4 weeks and then increase the interval by 1-2 climbs. That worked for me! :) I had no problems or pains so far. BUT I really really want to make clear that I have been training for months to be able to gradually increase the training to this level of 1000 moves. If you just start to push yourself to do this right away there is a big risk that you will get injured.

    Hope this was an answer for you question! Thanks for reading the blog! Makes me really happy! :)
