Jan 17, 2012

All work and no climbing make Anders go nuts

I just delivered the mother of all deadlines at work today. Feels so good to finally get it done!

I work as a consultant where I help clients (basically municipalities and big energy companies) build new power plants. Right now I'm deputy project manager for a large such plant and my work over the last few months has been to produce massive amounts of technical and legal requirements before we hand it over to suppliers of said power plants. Easily more than 300 pages of technical "mumbo-jumbo". The work load has been off the charts and I've had literally no time whatsoever during the last week for anything else besides eat, sleep and work (not exactly "eat, pray, love" now is it?).

Now the worse is behind me, unfortunately this high-intensity, sleep-deprived state of affairs has left me with a nasty cold, so now I'm forced to rest from climbing and training alltogether, even though I BADLY want to get up on the wall again! But I'm not going to rush getting back, or my training will suffer and I'll just get sick again.

While away from training, I've given my setup for the coming weeks a little more thought, and I've decided that I'm gonna go for endurance training for at least the first four weeks once I get back from sick-leave. By endurance I mean aerobic endurance, climbing low intensity climbs for a long time without rest. Last year when I trained for the development programme at K2, we also started out with endurance and I felt it really payed off. I will blog more in detail about my thoughts on endurance later.

Now I'm gonna eat some home-made thai red curry (stay tuned for recipe - it's the perfect food for us trying-hard-climbers), watch "The Wizard's Apprentice" starring Adam Ondra (bought it yesterday!) and then sleep like I've been awake for a year.

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