Started bouldering: August 2010
First top rope climb: October 2010
First lead climb: April 2011

My first goal was to be able to top rope 7a in one year. After 10 months of training I completed my first two 7a's. Another goal I had and accomplished during my first climbing year was to go from climbing 5 graded boulder problems to 6 graded ones.

In the One More Move project I aim to build up my mind and body to be at a steady level of 7a and practice more lead climbing. In boulder I aim to be able to climb 6A+ to 7A problems.

I love to put in the perfection in every move of my climbing. I can easily do a problem over and over again just to get that right feeling and the right momentum. For me climbing is as much mental training as physical training. My first climbing year focused a lot on my physical training. During this project I will combine this with more mental training such as yoga and meditation.

Started bouldering: August 2009
First top rope climb: June 2009
Fírst lead climb: Mars 2010

As climbing grew into a lifestyle for me, I realized I needed structure to my training and clear goals to aim for. Before the start of 2011, I had climbed my first 6a on lead and had the goal of being able to lead climb 6c by the end of that year.

But my goals were drastically changed when I was selected to be part of a development program for beginner climbers lasting the rest of 2011. Instead I was expected to be able to lead climb 7b in December -11, a goal that I almost completed, managing to do a few 7a+ indoors.

During 2012 my goal is to continue to improve my weaknesses to a point where I feel equally comfortable in all aspects of climbing. The aim is to be able to take on any sport route with the grade 7 and any boulder problem with the grade 6. I also want to find my way and myself in this new lifestyle that I’ve come to love.