As I grew up I practiced a lot of sports. Swimming, mountain biking, football, tennis, snowboarding, running, gym training, dance aerobic, tae kwon-do, body balance, yoga... You name it! Everything that could challenge the interaction between my body and mind I loved from the day I could walk!
In mars 2009 my life changed drastically. I was in a snowboard accident and got a fracture on a vertebra in my upper back. For the first time in my life I couldn´t use my body properly. I had to give up all the sports I used to practice and start from the beginning with daily rehab training.
After 18 months of rehab I was ready to start training again. I had to find a sport which had controlled movements. Climbing was one of those sports.
From the first hold I touched I knew climbing was what I wanted to do. The movement pattern was perfect for my back and every time I climbed my back got a little more stable.
18 months passed and climbing has become a lifestyle which I wish to keep for the rest of my life. During the One More Move project my aim is to develop my mental and physical strength and become a more experienced climber. With this project I wish to inspire other climbers and share my passion for this lifestyle. I also wish to show that even if it seems like you loose a life that you can’t live without, there is always a way back to balance and happiness.
I've always had three distinct personality types: The geek, the athlete and the adventurer. It's always been a struggle of which side to satisfy at the moment.
When I found climbing 2 years ago, I found instant satisfaction for all three! The science behind the perfect climbing technique takes care of the geek, the athlete in me gets all the physical training he needs and every time I'm on the wall, whether it's close by or on the other side of the world, it's an adventure! That's why climbing has changed my life so completely, I feel a sense of harmony and balance every time I go climbing or even think about it.
Climbing puts everything together at the same time for me. On the wall I feel scared, exposed, close to nature, adventurous, powerful, free, creative, intelligent, happy.
My goals for during this project are to integrate myself into this sort of new lifestyle for me, find my rhythm of training and increase my mental, physical and technical climbing skills. In doing so, I hope to inspire others around me to ask themselves what they really need and want in life to be happy, and then just go for it!