Jan 8, 2012

Hold on!

Week one is coming to an end, time to sum up.

I finished with some tough bouldering today to try and establish my weaknesses using certain holds, also did they same on rope earlier in the week. From what I can tell after just two sessions of this, I seem to feel stronger while crimping than climbing slopers generally, however the idea is to NOT crimp and instead try to climb open handed only (might not be that big of a surprise, I think most novice climbers have weaker open hand/sloping grip strengths compared to crimping), so I will consciously work on that. Slopers are always kind of awkward to climb, especially with high foot placements and while moving sideways, keeping balance and body tension and so forth. So a little of that too in the mix!

However, I do not feel that one certain type of hold is giving me any special problems, so I will probably not need one-type-of-hold-only-training. Instead, I will work on all holds and the techniques behind using all of them. I think I can make faster improvements with my body and foot technique than what kind of hold I'm grabbing, so the technical part of the training will definitely be more about that.

Next week will unfortunately be very busy for me workwise so no climbing during the week, but I will have time next weekend. Will do some endurance, power, and strength training respecively to find a ... rhythm in the training, see how much I can do before I get tired, how to set up the different exercises, how long they take, if I need to supplement the climbing with gym exercises, fingerboard etc. So more detective work in other words...

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