I don’t know whether to tell this or not! The aim for today was to write about my life when I don’t climb. But to be brutally honest, every piece of my life has some connection to climbing in my head. I work to be able to climb – go on trips, buy gears and afford to live in Stockholm! :P I see my work as a crazy fun place which continuously gives me small missions to solve. It keeps me entertained and gives me a perfect eight hours rest every day.
Even dough I think a lot about climbing when I create my drawings my mind is mainly focused on my work. This mental rest is really important for me. In all sports I have practiced I have always needed this mental break. I need to balance up my sport with studies, work or anything else which give focus to something outside my sport performance. For me the mental rest is as important as the physical rest. My work gives balance to my sport and my sport gives balance to my work. Just PERFECT! J
I wake up 05.30 so I can be at work around 06.00-06.30. Unfortunately I work in Mörby Centrum right now so it takes me about 40 minutes to go to work… BUT soon my company is making room for me at the office in Liljeholmen. Which happens to be a few minutes from K2… I live I Hägerstensåsen so I think you can see the picture. A few minutes to work and even less minutes to K2. Work 06.00-15.00 and then off to K2… GAH! I can’t wait! J
I go up early every day to be able to go early to K2 in the afternoon. It’s so many people at K2 in the evenings! Which is FUN but it’s nice to have done most of the training when it starts to crowd up… you can pick any route/ropes/boulder without risk to fall on other people/stick to one route for an hour without being a pain in the ass…
I just love hanging around at the climbing gym. The only thing I can complain about is that they don’t have any open hours in the early morning! Just think about it! Wouldn’t it be perfect to be able to go for some morning climbing before work?! Is anybody with me on this one? J This is my wish for K2! If you open 06.30 two days every week I PROMISE you to be there (every week) for some morning climbing before I hit my missions at work… do we have a deal? ;)
So what else do I fill my days with? Hmm… I have a big family! I have four sister and brothers which I want to spend as much time as I can with. Unfortunately none of them are living in Stockholm and none of them are climbing… but since I am the oldest one I still believe I can influence them in the right way… we will see… I’m working on it! J Family and friends is REALLY important to me so that’s another reason for going up early and hit the gym early. This gives me more hours in the evenings to spend with friends and family.
Wow! Now I’ve been writing A LOT and it is still almost exclusively about climbing… But this is how it works! I eat, sleep, work, chill and live for climbing. It might not make sense but that’s how it feels. It’s more a lifestyle then a sport in my eyes… which is just lovely!
Now I really have to round this off! :P Want to share two stuff which inspired me this week! Gabriel Wagnberg is making TOTALLY AWESOME music!!! Which I happened to find this week… Unfortunately it is only available on soundcloud.com but if you have facebook you can log in through that account… don’t ask me how but it works! :P
Go to soundclound.com, log in with your facebook account and search for ”Gabriel Wagnberg”. Then listen to “Big & Drone” and “Forgive My Song” to begin with… it is sooooo GOOOOD!
Another thing which inspired me a lot this week was seeing Alex climb the new 7B+ at K2! Awesome good climbing!! Thaaanks for that! J
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